True Life Fishing and Hunting Stories

Bear animation

Trout Fishing Madness

Tim Worel

Hasty, MN

Every spring my brothers, Jack and Ken, go trout fishing near Duluth, MN. There are several rivers that run into Lake Superior. This time they were fishing the Knife. There were lots of fishermen but no one was catching anything. My brothers were trying everything: salmon eggs, worms, different colored plastic eggs and even tried a piece of lunchmeat. Nothing seemed to work. Ken found a white plastic worm that kind of looked like a wax worm. He tried it and it worked! That very first drift he caught a nice 5-pound trout. But he lost the fake wax worm. Jack said that he had some wax worms in his winter coat, but that was back at the truck.
After walking back to the truck and getting the wax worms they both started to drift the worms and right away they started catching fish. Within two hours Ken had five nice trout, and one of them weighed 13 pounds! That fish put up a good fight on a fly rod. That one is going on his wall. Jack caught 4 and lost about 8 trout. Everyone was trying to find out what they were using for bait. Jack and Ken will never go trout fishing again without bringing a lot of wax worms.